Making Theatre Gaining Skills Courses

At The Bognor Makerspace, Making Theatre Gaining Skills offers FREE and exciting classes for everyone – explore new interests, learn practical skills, and connect with others in a supportive and inclusive environment, regardless of your background or experience. Engage in hands-on healing and develop your skills in a friendly and welcoming space. All the courses are FREE for anyone aged 19 and over. No experience or qualifications are necessary, but numbers are limited.

What type of courses would YOU like to see from Making Theatre Gaining Skills? Your opinions matter, so please drop your suggestions to us in an email to [email protected]

The Makerspace hosts several popular courses which are open to adults aged 19+. Currently, there are small-group activities by Making Theatre Gaining Skills and are funded by West Sussex County Council’s Multiply project.

See below for more information on the NEW Puppetry and Production Skills Traineeship programme for young people aged 16+ based at the Bognor Makerspace and are funded by the Arts Council England.

Fabric Workshop

Mondays 9.30am – 1.30pm Learn a new fabric skill, get help with an alteration or upcycling project or just enjoy sewing, knitting or embroidery in an enthusiastic friendly group. Beginners welcome. To find out more, contact 01243 306800 or email: [email protected]

Carpentry & DIY

Fridays 10.00am – 1.00pm

Watch this space for information on new courses!

Cookery on a Budget

Tuesdays 10.00am – 1.00pm

Watch this space for information on new courses!

Cook & Eat – Beginners Cookery Course

Tuesdays 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Watch this space for information on new courses!

Cookery with Level 2 Food Hygiene and Safety for Catering

Mondays 10.00am – 1.30pm  

Watch this space for information on new courses!

Business Maths

Tuesdays 12.30pm – 2.30pm Practical math skills. Learners will also be able to join a short course in Maths for Business, designed to introduce the basic knowledge needed to record credit and debit, cost ingredients and calculate profits. The 6-week course will include: costing materials or ingredients, calculating profit margins, understanding percentages and an introduction to using spreadsheets. To find out more, contact 01243 306800 or email: [email protected]

Maths to Suit Everyone

Tuesdays 9.30am – 11.30am | Thursdays 2.00pm – 4.00pm If negative memories of maths classes at school have prevented you from achieving the skills to get on in life and work, then why not consider joining one of our popular small-group classes. These sessions are completely different to school, perfect for filling in the gaps in maths knowledge and building confidence with everyday calculations. Learn at your own pace with understanding, patient tutors. Join at any time, taster sessions available to see for yourself. Learners can also progress onwards taking NCFE Functional Skills Maths Level 2. To find out more, contact 01243 306800 or email: [email protected]

Maths Fun and Games

Thursdays 10.00am – 12.00pm Join our small friendly group that enjoys learning more about numbers and playing games that are fun and entertaining. To find out more, contact 01243 306800 or email: [email protected]

Lighting, Sound & Visual Effects

Mondays 9.30am – 12.00am Learn the basics of lighting and sound design, rigging and operation. You’ll be given the opportunity to shoot video, create animation and use green screens. To learn more, and/or book your place on the theatre courses, visit, call 01243 306800 or email [email protected]

Scenic Art & Construction

Mondays 11.30am – 4.00pm A practical course involving carpentry, painting and design. You’ll be given the chance to create your own theatre set using different techniques and materials. To learn more, and/or book your place on the theatre courses, visit, call 01243 306800 or email [email protected]

Costume & Prop Construction

Tuesdays 9.30am – 12.00pm Inspired by Harry Potter films, Cosplay or Dr Who? The world of costume and prop construction is a mix of clever techniques and ingenious design. Beginners welcome. To learn more, and/or book your place on the theatre courses, visit, call 01243 306800  or email [email protected]


Tuesdays 1.30pm – 4.00pm Explore the fascinating world of puppets, making a variety of different puppet forms plus learning the basics of how to operate. To learn more, and/or book your place on the theatre courses, visit, call 01243 306800  or email [email protected]

Traineeship Courses

Enrolment is now open for a new FREE Puppetry and Production Skills Traineeship programme for young people aged 16+ based at the Bognor Makerspace. A practical and industry-led course that will enable students to develop their skills and connect with others in a supportive and inclusive environment, regardless of background or experience. Funded by Arts Council England, this unique part-time course will run from September 2024 to July 2025 and will be led by experienced professional practitioners from the world of puppetry, theatre and animation. Run over two days each week (Wednesday and Thursday, 9am – 4pm) the course will include:

Lighting, Sound & Visual Effects
Learn how to design, rig and operate lighting; create sound effects and make films; exploring animation and visual effects.

Scenic Art, Props & Costume Construction
Develop skills in carpentry, painting and design. Learn a range of different techniques and how to adapt for different purposes.

Explore the fascinating world of puppets, making a variety of different puppet forms plus learning the basics of how to operate.

Applicants do not need any prior experience or specific qualifications to join this free programme. They must be available on both days for the whole course and be able to work in a group situation. Spaces are limited. Apply now by calling 01243 306800 or email [email protected]